面对实则虚无的理想城市她选择收起叛逆回想起过去格蕾塔的作品之所以浑然天成幻影追凶是因为它之始至终都没有选择用制造奇异的冲突去突破一个普通高中生的生活状态一切都太令人熟悉而作品的成功在于细节就像“Lady Bird”这个名字一样更棒的是本片还拥有着近年来最棒的年轻卡司
The question of whether or not the film or its characters are actually good Marxists is not only not interesting, but also misguided, since we’re bound to get nowhere with such relationships of subordination: it is the coordination that we must look at instead. Godard doesn’t film “Marxists” or things whose meaning would be Marxism. He makes cinema with Marxism [...] The strength of the film is that it brings together cinema and Marxism by treating those two formulas as two different conceptions of art in general, and hence also of Marxist cinema. -- Jacques Rancière